Feasibility studies and power plant development

Feasibility studies and development of solar power plants are very important, because these types of power plants are used as a main and clean source of energy to provide electricity and heat

To implement a solar power plant project, feasibility studies are the first important step. These studies include the investigation of weather conditions, topography, access to the power grid, transportation facilities and the environment of the power plant construction site. Also, attention should be paid to the possible strengths and weaknesses of the project, financial costs and benefits, environmental and social impacts

After the completion of the feasibility studies, the project development phase begins. In this phase, the detailed design of the solar power plant, the supply of necessary equipment and materials, the construction and installation of the systems, and finally the commissioning and operation are carried out

Due to the increasing growth of solar energy use around the world, feasibility studies and solar power plant development are very important so that this clean and renewable source can be used in the best way and help to reduce the use of fossil fuels and reduce air pollution. did

:In the following, some of the issues that are considered in the feasibility studies and development of the solar power plant will be mentioned

Choose the right place

.Choosing the right place to install a solar power plant is very important. The location must have adequate and stable sunlight to provide optimal plant performance

Technical and economic analysis

Technical and economic studies include cost analysis, economic efficiency, how to connect to the power grid, system design, maintenance and repairs, and other technical and financial aspects related to the installation and operation of the solar power plant

primary studies

Preliminary studies include evaluating the environmental, social and cultural impacts of installing a solar power plant in the desired area. These studies should be done in order to preserve the environment and the local community

Legal studies and permits

In order to set up a solar power plant, it is necessary to carry out legal studies and obtain the necessary permits from the relevant authorities. This includes studies on environmental permits, employee health and safety, and other related laws

Development services of Mana Mehr Energy Nasim Company

 Determining the strategy and organizing the team •
Visit the site and choose •
Initial assessment of energy with wind turbines / solar panels and different inverters •
Selection of wind turbine / solar panels / inverter and other main components •
Meetings with regional power and distribution companies for grid connection permits •
Obtaining the required permits, land lease and signing the purchase guarantee contract •
Financing the project or obtaining Rials or a loan from the National Development Fund •
Negotiating and preparing equipment supply contracts, installation contracts with second-hand suppliers and contractors •
Negotiating and preparing maintenance service contracts •
Negotiation and preparation of all subcontracts •
Preparation of HSE plan •

 Network studies, geotechnics and hydrology •
Basic design of site plan, layouts, HV and MV transmission and distribution lines and substations •
Basic design of building and project roads •
Preliminary project control program •

.According to these points, feasibility studies and solar power plant development are very important for the optimal and sustainable implementation of these projects