CEO’s speech

In today’s era and in today’s highly competitive economic world, we are grateful and happy to God that along with the hardworking and educated managers and employees of Mana Mehr Energy Nasim Company, by using the huge capital of committed human resources, we are able to provide the best services and products. With quality in new fields, especially the construction of renewable and environmentally friendly power plants, we have been in charge of the construction and operation of the first Article 12 power plants in the country and have provided engineering design, supply, implementation and operation services

The attitude and vision of this company is to evolve daily by taking small, safe and wise steps. He believes that energy issues and concerns for future generations are also our concern. In this regard, it has been planned to assemble a team of professional, experienced and hardworking experts, to employ engineering technologies and approaches, and to use the latest and most up-to-date information, guidelines and national and international standards. . For special cases, we have partnered with up-to-date foreign companies and benefited from membership and active participation in prestigious national and international institutions and associations.

In this collection, we have tried to be with our dear customers step by step and benefit from their reliable support, which is the most valuable achievement for us

I am proud that currently the employees of this company at different levels have formed a cohesive team that has a hardworking and daring spirit along with technical knowledge. Also, the Ministry of Energy and Iran’s Renewable Energy Agency (SATBA), which is the main customer and trustee of clean energy production in the country, have helped us a lot in this important field with their unwavering support

Currently, Mana Mehr Nasim Energy is a valuable brand in the field of solar activity and is synonymous with quality, speed and diversity in providing related products and technical services

Hoping that with the work and effort of each human capital, the increase in the market share in the field of solar and wind energy will be achieved so that we can take a small but firm step towards the prosperity of the economy and Let’s take the occupation of this border. The lofty goals of the company are achieved with consensus, alignment, exchange of views and constructive experiences

Dr.Behzad Asaei

Managing Director of Mana Mehr Energy Nasim Company